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October declared Domestic Violence Awareness Month; Light up the Lawn planned for Oct. 20

Wednesday, October 5, 2022 - The month of October was declared Domestic Violence Awareness Month at the Sequoyah County Commissioners meeting on Monday.

"For the past 11 years, Sequoyah County commissioners have supported our efforts by proclaiming October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This helps our efforts tremendously by creating awareness surrounding the topic country-wide," Sequoyah County victim advocate Sarah Ridinger said.

"For the past several years, Oklahoma has been ranked number three in the nation for domestic violence, but recently our state moved up to number two. Although this is not the outcome we would like to see, we have to keep pushing on to reach those in need."

To help bring about additional awareness, the Community Coordinated Response and Sexual Assault Response Team (CCR/SART) will be hosting "Light up the Lawn" in honor of domestic violence victims and survivors. The event will take place on the Stanley Tubbs Memorial Library lawn on October 20 starting at 6:30 p.m.

The team is asking for participants to wear the color purple, which represents the color of the night and month.

There will be purple bags of lights on the lawn, representing the many reports of domestic violence from the past year. This is a time to honor and remember those whose lives have been affected by domestic violence, including victims, their families, and friends.

The group encourages everyone to come out, support victims and let it be known that domestic violence will not be tolerated in Sequoyah County.

Lindsie Dyer, Staff Writer

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