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Local children and families blessed by Angel Tree program

Updated: Jan 10, 2023

Friday, January 6, 2023 - This Christmas, 211 children living in Eastern Sequoyah County were blessed with presents and food for Christmas day.

Community partners (from left) Lindsie Dyer (People Inc.), Heather Silva (SNC), and Melissa Lowe (KI BOIS), as well as KI BOIS staff, all put in extra hours to make sure no child went without on Christmas morning.

The group only had one month to make it happen, and with no dedicated "Angel Tree" account or funds, they turned to the community for help.

"This year was definitely our biggest feat, and we are all very thankful for the wonderful people in our community that helped with our project this year," Dyer said. "We had businesses from all over the county and some from other states come together to help bless these families! Individuals stepped up and adopted angels to buy for; some donated gifts, and others donated cash."

This particular Angel Tree requires families to meet several qualifications prior to signing up.

Families are not allowed to be on any other Angel Tree or Shop With a Cop list; they must meet income guidelines and provide proof of residency and social security cards for each child prior to sign-ups.

"I wish we could thank each and every person individually, but I am afraid I would leave someone out. So, if you are seeing this, just know that I am talking about you," Dyer added.

The trio also collaborates with Roland and Moffett Schools to host food drives each year. The food donations go toward putting together Christmas food baskets for all Angel Tree recipients' families. The Boys and Girls Club of Sequoyah County also assisted with their donations of hams for each family’s food basket.

If you would like to be a donor or assist in the Angel Tree Project next year, you can contact Melissa Lowe at 918-776-0848 anytime throughout the year.

Lindsie Dyer, Staff Writer

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