Wednesday, January 4, 2023 - The Sequoyah County Board of Commissioners declared January "Stalking and Human Trafficking Awareness Month" for Sequoyah County at their regularly scheduled meeting this week.
"This is the 7th or 8th year that county commissioners have signed these proclamations for our county, and their support is greatly appreciated. It has been extremely helpful because of the education it has brought to the county," Sequoyah County Sheriff’s Department Investigator and member of the Coordinated Community Response (CCR) team, Cindy Smith, said. "A lot of headway has been made over the past few years, causing these issues to become more prevalent. Through education and prevention, individuals are learning how to identify the warning signs of stalking and human trafficking."

From left, District #3 Commissioner Jim Rogers, Emergency Management Director Garrett Fargo,
District #1 Ray Watts, Emergency Management Deputy Director Jonathan Teague,
and District #2 Commissioner Beau Burlision.
In new business, commissioners voted to hire a new emergency management director, Garrett Fargo, to serve Sequoyah County.
Commissioners will also be adding a Sequoyah County emergency management deputy director, Jonathan Teague, to work alongside Fargo. The action item to officially hire Teague has been added to next week's agenda.
Fargo and Teague will fill former Emergency Management Director Steve Rutherford’s position, which has been vacant since his retirement in November.
In addition to new business, a motion was made to appoint District #2 Beau Burlision as chairman and District #1 Ray Watts as vice chairman of the Sequoyah County Board of Commissioners. The motion was approved.
Lindsie Dyer, Staff Writer
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