Monday, February 6, 2023 - The Sallisaw Board of City Commissioners is working to finalize the details on the expansion and remodel of the Sallisaw Police Department. City commissioners previously approved the expansion in July 2022.
At the time of approval, the project included reskinning the outside of the current police department building and demolishing the civic center and old city hall.
The Sallisaw Police Department was built in 1994, but after 29 years, the facility needs improvements to accommodate the station’s needs, workload, and staffing requirements.
Sallisaw Chief of Police Terry Franklin said, "Over the past year, our police force has grown significantly. We currently employ 36 staff, which includes 23 police officers, 5 reserve officers, and 8 dispatchers."
The expansion and remodel will feature additional workspace, plenty of storage, a small break room, a detective’s office, and a new evidence room.
In addition, there will be an interview room, space for officers to complete reports, and a squad and training room.
Franklin explained that the squad and training room will be a huge asset. The space will provide the department with the ability to hold more classes and trainings at their facility.
Another amenity the department is excited about is the addition of two locker rooms. "There will be a locker room for the ladies and another one for the men, and both will be equipped with showers and lockers," Franklin added.
The city’s capital improvement fund will cover the cost of expenses for the project.
"I am grateful to the city for making this possible. I believe it’s a great investment that will benefit the city for years to come and something that our community will be proud of," Franklin added.
A completion date has not been determined at this time, although Franklin said, "I feel once the ball gets rolling, it will progress pretty quick."
Lindsie Dyer, Staff Writer
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