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Cherokee Nation announces $1M relief program for Cherokee ranchers

Tuesday, August 2, 2022 - Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. and Deputy Chief Bryan Warner have announced a $1 million relief program to help Cherokee ranchers.

The “Relief for Cherokee Ranchers” program will support Cherokee Ranchers in the Cherokee Nation Reservation with the hay shortage during the current irregular drought.

The program will assist up to 2,000 ranchers--one per Cherokee Household- with a one-time payment of $500.

“We know the drought here in the Cherokee Nation Reservation has greatly burdened our Cherokee ranchers and without adequate grazing pasture and hay to cut, its growing more difficult to keep livestock fed,” Chief Hoskin said. “Feed supplies are low, and costs are on the rise, so, the Cherokee Nation would like to extend a hand.”

Applications will open on the Gadugi Portal starting Monday, August 8 and through August 19, or until funds last.

The eligible rancher must live within the Cherokee Nation Reservation and currently be impacted by the hay shortage.

The eligible Cherokee rancher must submit a Schedule F (Farm income and expenses) from the current or last tax year in the application.

“Since 2020, the Cherokee Nation administration and Council has worked to provide over $750 million in direct financial assistance to Cherokee citizens,” Council of the Cherokee Nation for District 1 Rex Jordan said. “When the Council reviewed and approved the Administration’s first ARPA budget in May 2020 by a vote of 16-1, little did we know that it would set the stage for stepping up for our farmers and ranchers today in their time of need. But, here we are and ready to help.”

Applications will be funded on a first-come-first serve basis and once $1 million in funds is expended, the program will end.

Applications will be available on the Gadugi Portal and supporting documents reviewed for eligibility.

“This is what happens when the Council, the Chief and the Deputy Chief work together,” said Deputy Speaker of the Council Victoria Vazquez. “Cherokee farmers and ranchers deserve our support.”

Applications will be available on August 8 on the the Gadugi Portal which can be found at

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