Candidates interested in filing for municipal office in 918-775-2614 Sequoyah County municipalities will file declarations of candidacy starting February 3 at 8 a.m.
Those who wish to file for a municipal office must submit a declaration of candidacy to the Sequoyah County election board on February 3, 4, or 5, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Candidate filing packets are available on the state election board website at https://oklahoma.gov/elections/candidates/candidate-filing.html and the County Election Board.
In addition to the declaration of candidacy, candidates must also submit a Voter Registration Verification Form, which can be obtained from the County Election Board or by logging into the OK Voter Portal at https://oklahoma.gov/elections/ovp.html. Information on the Voter Registration Verification Form must match the information on the Declaration of Candidacy.
The Sequoyah County Election Board's secretary, Ruby Brunk, reminds candidates that contests of candidacy must be filed no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 5, and may only be filed by another candidate for that office, unless a candidate files unopposed.
Contests against unopposed candidates may be filed by contacting the County Election Board.
Declarations of candidacy will be accepted for the following offices:
Town of Paradise Hill: 3 Trustees (4 yr), 1 Trustee (2 yr) unexpired, Town Clerk-Treasurer (4 yr).
Town of Vian: 2 trustees (4 yr) Town clerk/treasurer (4 yr).
Declaration of Candidacy forms can be downloaded from the State Election Board website at oklahoma.gov/elections or by contacting your County Election Board office at 918-775-2614 or sequoyahcounty@elections.ok.gov.
Lindsie Dyer, Staff Writer
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