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8th Annual Back to School Round Up set to giveaway 600 backpacks and school supplies on August 6

Saturday, July 9, 2022 - Planning is well underway for the 8th Annual Back to School Roundup that will be held at the Sallisaw rodeo grounds. This free event will offer 600 backpacks plus school supplies for Sequoyah County students to pick up on Saturday, August 6 from 10 a.m. until noon.

Many activities will take place during the two-hour event, including free pony rides, games, prizes, and bounce-arounds. The Sequoyah County Health Department will also be on site, offering well child checks and vaccinations for students.

The National Bank of Sallisaw will be firing up their grill and cooking some delicious hot dogs for all attendees. The Mix 105.1 will be live on location, providing music and updates on the event throughout the morning.

Make sure you stick around until noon because Sallisaw Walmart has graciously donated one boy’s bike and one girl's bike that will be given away at 11:45 a.m.

The registration line for the event will begin outside the rodeo gates at 9 a.m. and gates will open at 10 a.m. Students receiving supplies will need to be present on the day of the event.

Currently, organizers are seeking vendors to help make this event bigger and better than ever. If your organization would like to participate by setting up a booth with games and prizes, you can contact

If you're unable to set up and would like to donate to help with the cost of school supplies, or if you have questions regarding the event, feel free to contact Melissa Lowe at (918) 776-0848.

The Back-to-School Roundup is made possible by several community partners, including KI BOIS Community Action, People Inc., TSET Healthy Living Program, National Bank of Sallisaw, the Sallisaw Health & Wellness Center, the Sallisaw NOW coalition, the Cherokee Nation, the Boys & Girls Club of Sequoyah County, the Sallisaw Lions Club, and The Mix 105.1.

Lindsie Dyer, Staff Writer

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