Thursday, May 13, 2121 - Shawn Smith of Sallisaw is opening up his automotive shop to the community to host “Common Bond NA Support Group”. The first meeting will be held Thursday, May 13, at 7 p.m. and will continue each Thursday. The group will meet in the front office of Dave Smith and Sons Automotive Shop at 306 E. Cherokee.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) was established in response to the success of Alcoholics Anonymous. NA provides support for those attempting to recover from drugs other than just alcohol.
Smith said, “I've been recovering myself. I’ve been through this and want to open up a place for people like myself to gather and help each other out.”
The group setting will provide a caring, welcoming, non-judgmental environment, Smith said.
Smith will have the help of two sponsors, Jody Benge and Steven Sherwood, both from Sallisaw. Benge and Sherwood have completed the Drug Court Program and are also affiliated with Celebrate Recovery Program and United Faith Church. Smith stated that he also attends the Celebrate Recovery meeting at United Faith Church every Tuesday night.
Narcotics Anonymous is a 12-step program where people who are addicted to drugs/alcohol can find support in recovery. It is a group for people recovering from drug/alcohol addiction to help each other pursue healthy choices.
Smith said they will be following the 12-step program. “I am currently in the Drug Court Program in Sallisaw. While attending I have gained many different tools to help in my recovery. I want to be able to share what I have learned and help others,” Smith said.
“I’m excited to see the turn out. I’m doing this because I feel that I will draw in a different crowd of people,” Smith added.
There will be guest speakers who will come in regularly to share their story and tools that they have used to help them succeed in recovery.
The support group is an open meeting. Anyone interested in the group and how it works or anyone who wants to attend to support a loved one is welcome.
For more information email Shawn at or message him on Facebook at Shawn Smith.
Anna Ramos, KXMX Staff Writer
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