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Sallisaw set to build new swim complex and skateboard park after YES vote by residents

Rendering of future pool complex.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 - On February 8, 2022, the citizens of Sallisaw overwhelmingly approved the extension of an existing half-cent sales tax for the construction of a new pool complex and skatepark.

Approved by 80% of the voters, the sales tax extension will extend the current half-cent tax being used to pay off the bonds issued for the construction of the sports complex. The bonds used for the sports complex will be paid in full over one year earlier than expected.

“We are thrilled the citizens saw the need for these quality of life projects in our community. Our 61 year old pool has served this community well, but it is time to retire it and build a new one. As our current pool has in the past, the new pool complex and skatepark will now make many memories in our community,” stated Sallisaw Mayor Ernie Martens.

Sallisaw’s current pool was built back in 1960. Over the last few years the pool has shown its age and city crews have struggled to keep the pool repaired and operational. The winter storm of February 2021 did significant damage to the pool sides and the plumbing in the concrete floor of the bathhouse.

The new pool complex will have many modern amenities, including a beach entry, slides, diving tank and an attached splash pad.

Rendering of future skateboard park.

The skatepark will be a first for Sallisaw. The skatepark is expected to be very popular with the youth of the community.

“The city project staff did an excellent job putting this proposal together,” said City Manager Keith Skelton. “As Sallisaw grows, it is important to balance the infrastructure needs of the community along with needed quality of life projects. Our community will be proud of these facilities.”

The city will begin immediate work on the extensive business and planning stages of the two new projects. A timeline for beginning of completion of the project has not been determined at this time.

KXMX News Staff

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