Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - The Roland Chamber of Commerce is currently hosting their second annual Shop Local promotion within the City of Roland. The Chamber organized the event for the first time last year after COVID created hardships for many local businesses, including several that had no choice but to close their doors for good.
"We just wanted to get the town excited about the holidays after the year we had in 2020 and at the same time help local businesses try to recover from the many losses they took throughout the pandemic," Roland Chamber of Commerce secretary Niki Morgan said. "Plus, small business Saturday happens to be the Saturday after Thanksgiving, so it really all ties together."
Morgan said the process is simple. Spend five dollars or more at any business in Roland and bring your receipts to one of the designed drop-off spots. The Chamber of Commerce has designated Sequoyah County Farm Bureau in the Roland Shopping Center and First Star Bank in Roland as drop-off destinations for receipts.
"Once we receive your receipt, you will be entered into a drawing to potentially win one of many prizes," Morgan said.
Some of the prizes include gift certificates, cash, gift baskets, tumblers, and swag bags, which are all donated by local businesses. Drawings are held live every Friday on the Chamber’s Facebook page and the winner will be contacted. To close out this year’s event, there will be one final drawing held on Wednesday, December 1. The final drawing will consist of a much larger prize than the prior weeks, according to Morgan.
"In addition, we are offering a free entry into the weekly drawings for every nonperishable food item we receive," Morgan said.
The food items will assist the KI BOIS community action foundation and will be used for Christmas food baskets that are given out to area families each year.
"I would like to point out that the Roland Chamber of Commerce is a partner with American Express, which helps support small business Saturday," Morgan added.
If you have any questions regarding the shop local promotion or weekly drawings, contact Niki Morgan at 918-427-3421 or Libby Moore at 918-427-7474. You can also go to the Roland Chamber of Commerce Facebook page for additional information and to see a full list of needed food items.
Lindsie Dyer, Staff Writer
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