Wednesday, April 6, 2022 - On Monday the Commissioners held their regularly scheduled meeting at 10:00 a.m. at the courthouse.
Consideration of resolutions, bids, and contracts consisted of the discussion and approval regarding the railroad crossing agreement for the Garvin-Central High bridge replacement.
Discussion of an independent contractor agreement by and between Sequoyah County on behalf of the Sequoyah County Sheriff’s Office and Sheila D. Comer was heard and approved.
There was also approval of the yearly contract agreement by and between Sequoyah County Jail and Tiger Correctional Services—food service agreement.
During old business, there was discussion of the FY 2022 fixed rate service contract renewal between the department of corrections, community sentencing, and the Sequoyah County board of commissioners. Motions were made and the contract was approved.
During the citizens' presentation, Sequoyah County RFPD1 firefighter Heath Orabanec said, "We had graduation last Thursday night for the firefighters that went through the OSU Firefighter Program course 1. We had twenty-six people attend the course, and twenty-two of those passed everything. We were successful enough with that program that OSU is going to allow us to hold the firefighter 2 program next fall."
Jace Goodwin with the OSU Extension told those present, "The avian influenza has made its way into Oklahoma with the first case reported last week in Payne County."
According to the CDC, "Asian highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) (H5N1) virus occurs mainly in birds and is highly contagious among them. HPAI Asian H5N1 is especially deadly for poultry."
In new business, there was discussion regarding the new Sequoyah County employee handbook. This item was tabled until commissioners had the opportunity to review it further.
There was also discussion and approval of cash funds, estimates of needs and requests for appropriations.
Lindsie Dyer, Staff Writer
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