Thursday, May 19, 2022 - The Sequoyah County Commissioners discussed a grant opportunity for District #3 during their weekly scheduled meeting on Monday at 10:00 a.m. Commissions were presented with a grant opportunity by economic development specialist for the Eastern Oklahoma Development District (EODD) Jay Hayes for one local community.
Hayes said, "The Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Grant (CDBG-DR) would benefit the town of Gans within District 3. If awarded, the grant would provide funds for improvements to drainage issues, grading, and the replacement of five bridges located in and around the Gans city limits."
The town of Gans Mayor Gary McGinnis said, "This grant would be very beneficial to the community because when it floods it gets bad. The Gans city limits are not that big. However, there are two bridges outside city limits which are continuous to the town and three bridges within the city limits that would be upgraded if the grant is awarded. "
According to the Oklahoma Commerce website, the CDBG-DR allocation notice was released by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in a Federal Register Notice on January 27, 2020.
"The grant is open to counties affected by severe storms, straight line winds, tornadoes, and flooding that occurred between May 7 and June 19, 2019. Sequoyah county was included in the major disaster declaration so we decided to collaborate with all entities and apply for the grant," Hayes said.
Submission of the CDBG-DR grant application is due by June 1, 2022.
District 3 County Commissioner Jim Rogers said, "I am more than happy to make this motion today. Mayor McGinnis is doing a lot for his town right now, and I have been very impressed by the action that he has taken for the city of Gans."
Approvals in relation to the CDBG-DR grant included:
A resolution authorizing the application for the 2019 CDBG-DR Grant
Approval of Fair Housing Resolution for Sequoyah County
Agreement with EODD to administer the 2019 CDBG Grant (if awarded).
A Residential Anti-Displacement Relocation Assistance Plan
A Citizens Participation Plan for the 2019 CDBG-DR Grant
"I appreciate our county commissioners for jumping on board with this project and being so supportive," McGinnis added.
In new business, county commissioners approved the appointment of Julie Haywood and Daniel Richards as requisition agents and James Dunn and Cody Click as receiving agents for the Roland Fire Department.
Daniel Richards and Doug Cantrell were appointed to the Sequoyah County Fire Tax Board, which commissioners approved.
There was discussion and approval to designate receiving agents for Sequoyah County districts # 1 and # 2. Approved for District #1 were Crystal Stuart and Rocky Teague. Approved for District #2 were Beau Burlision and Tiffany Jenkins.
Lindsie Dyer, Staff Writer
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