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Commissioners bid farewell to retiring employee Monte Horn

Sequoyah County District 3 Commissioner Jim Rogers (right) presented retiring county employee, Monte Horn (middle), with a plaque for his 16 years of service. Also pictured is county employee Calvin Teague.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021 - A longtime Sequoyah County employee was honored at the commissioners' weekly meeting Tuesday.

Monte Horn, who is retiring after 16 years with the county, was presented with a plaque by an emotional District 3 Commissioner Jim Rogers, who said Horn had been “a great hand.”

“Words can't describe how good of a hand he's been,” he said. “He's always been on the front lines. You didn't even have to ask.”

Rogers continued, “I get a little emotional at these things because these guys become like family to me.”

On the COVID-19 front, the county's Emergency Management director, Steve Rutherford, said that as of Tuesday there were 12 new cases. That's “much better,” he said, noting that only two months ago, there were about 170 new cases each week. Rutherford said only nine of those 12 cases are active.

In other business, the commissioners:

*Approved a law enforcement mutual aid agreement for voluntary cooperation and operational assistance by and between the Sequoyah County Sheriff's Office and the City of Sallisaw

*Approved a resolution renewing the ACCO-SIF Workers' Compensation Insurance for 2021

*Awarded an $18,500 bid for rescue equipment for the Brushy Fire Department

*Approved District 3's reimbursement of $4,560 to Hawkins Weir for waterline design of the Redwood resurfacing project

*Designated Laura Barnes as receiving agent for the Sequoyah County court clerk

*Accepted the resignation of Sequoyah County Tax Assessor Kelly Miller

*Went into executive session to discuss the appointment of a new tax assessor

*Returned to regular meeting

*Appointed a replacement assessor to complete Miller's remaining term

*Discussed monthly reports

*Approved blanket purchase orders.

Laura Brown, KXMX Staff Writer

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