Thursday, September 22, 2022 - Over the next several weeks the City of Sallisaw will be testing a side load sanitation truck. The purpose of this test is to determine how a truck of this nature can operate on the city streets.
In order for the city to have a good test of the truck they are asking residents to pay attention to how they place their trash containers curbside. When placing your container curbside, please follow these simple rules.
• Polycarts must be placed within two to three feet of the street with the lid opening facing the street (wheels facing away from the street).
• All trash must be bagged and must be contained in the container so that the lid can close properly. No additional trash on top of, or next to the container.
• If there are two or more containers, they must be placed at least two feet apart.
• Do not place containers next to fire hydrants, gas meters, or next to any obstructions such as parked cars or mailboxes.
• As always, containers must be placed curbside by 6 a.m. on the scheduled day of collection.
The City of Sallisaw appreciates the cooperation of residents as they perform this test.
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